Threads 2024
Click the link above to read this year’s issue (desktop only).
It’s never too early to submit your work for our next issue!
The deadline for the 2025 issue of Threads is February 28, 2025.
Threads is the Hudson Valley Community College publication that includes student writing and artwork. The magazine is edited by English Department faculty members and is published once an academic year. Threads provides students with an opportunity for creative and academic expression, including, but not limited to, poetry, short stories, essays, photography, and art. All Hudson Valley Community College students are invited to submit their work for publication.
Threads does not necessarily seek to publish the “best” student work, but rather strives to represent a variety of abilities, reflecting the diversity of the campus community.
Additionally, every April the English Department hosts a college wide presentation where students read and discuss their published work. The annual Threads presentation promotes campus-wide involvement in, awareness of, and sensitivity to writing and artwork from Hudson Valley Community College’s diverse student population. All faculty, staff, and students are invited to attend this annual presentation.
For more information, feel free to contact us.
2024-2025 Threads Committee:
Prof. Jessica Brouker
Prof. Paul Charbel
Prof. Tara Eaton
Prof. Sara Kennedy